Make sure that No Ad Blocker is enabled on your browser (Many game developers only income source is through ads, so they don't make the games available if ads are blocked).You may only see a blank screen / or no game screen at all if advertisements are in any way restricted on your browser.

If the game DOES not FIT the screen (part of the game area is below above the browser) - see the GO FULL SCREEN button just at the right above the game.Please speak to school/office administration or your network provider. If you see a GAME BLOCKED message or if a game does NOT LOAD in 3-5 minutes even after page refresh - this is not blocked by us.Try using a VPN or Proxy service in case you are having a problem with Blocking or Connection Reset or see that Game does Not Load properly.If some advertisements get stuck - try to reload the page once or twice. Note: If the game is taking a while to load, please press Ctrl and F5 buttons on your keyboard at the same time to refresh the page without local cache.Ask for help on Learn4Good Games Discord Channel.For mobile users, click 'OK' on the pop up, and the game should work fine.īefore you submit an error report, please review these common issues & solutions: This HTML5-based game works on mobile devices and PC/Mac browsers. Best of luck and enjoy the thrill of being an NFL player! Run the length of the field with the ball while avoiding the action-craved defensive players. You can also try to hold the ball and attract the defenders into a corner to make space for your evasive run. Make sure you dodge all players or they will intercept the ball and you lose points. Next, try dragging the ball towards the Touchdown area as you run across the field. Tap your touchscreen or click your mouse on the ball to hold it.
How to Play: Select the team you want to play against, and you are good to go. Try feinting to create space to run into! Having a good strategy is key, as without one, you'll struggle to break down the defensive shape. Try and trick them into leaving holes in their defensive line which you can then expose. To do this, you must avoid the oncoming defenders who take no prisoners. The aim of the game is to score a touchdown. Return Man Football: This American football game will have you playing for hours as you feel the buzz and the thrill of scoring a touchdown! The simple interface enables fans of all ages to play and have a go, so what are you waiting for? Come and see if you can make it in the NFL!